Friday, February 15, 2008

oh where oh where has my energy gone?

The long cold winter and lack of sunshine has drained ever bit of energy, stifled any enthusiasm for physical activity. Here I am the proud owner of the coolest bike ever Orbea Diva and I have neglected any sort of training for about 2 weeks now. Knocked down by the virus from hell that ran rampant through the friends and coworkers, I even failed to make it to the gym for my half hearted elliptical workout. My trainer has sat empty in the basement and I haven't made it to one spinning class this year. One warm day in January I was able to complete 30 miles on the new paved trail. That is the full extent of my winter training. I have started this blog after reading my daughters hoping that I would motivate myself. Spring will be here before long and I do not want to be the one in the back of the pack again this year. I can no longer use my bike as an excuse for everyone having to wait for Rose. The plan return to the gym come Monday morning. Get the bike in the trainer and get on it at least 2x this week.

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